One of my stories about my adventures as a newspaper correspondent appears in Now or Never, Randell Jones’ latest Personal Story Publishing Project anthology. Fit To Be Tied chronicles a reporter’s escapade involving frigid temperatures, ice climbers on a sheer cliff high above wickedly sharp rocks, and a patient park ranger.
In Now or Never, says Jones, “Forty-one writers share their personal stories of experiences and decisions hinged on a moment in time. Now or never is a turning point, a hope, an admonition, an intersection of paths ahead to take, to avoid, or to create.”
The book is available for purchase at https://www.randelljones.com/books-and-dvds/now-or-never. Listeners can enjoy these stories via podcast every Wednesday and weekend from now through August in Season 9 of 6-minute Stories at https://www.randelljones.com/6minutestories.
The first story will appear tomorrow, written by my late friend, Raven Chiong, and read by award-winning North Carolina poet Terri Kirby Erickson. Raven lit up our local writers’ community with her talent, her kindness, and her empathy. She passed away in December. We miss her greatly.
#personalstories #NowOrNever #turningpoint
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