December 4, 2021
The first book signing for My Mother’s Keeper: One Family’s Journey Through Dementia was a roaring success! These photos say it better than words…

Open Mic Night on the Square at Hayesville. Book signing with my poet friend and fellow author, Mary Ricketson, and Kanute Rarey, our host. What a great event! #alzheimers #alzheimersawareness #eldercare
We had a full house for an evening of readings and storytelling, right on the square in historic Hayesville, NC.

I read a few excerpts from my new book, and listened to Mary and others share their work. What a wonderful evening!
During the pandemic I’ve really missed attending and participating in these Open Mic nights. There’s always new talent and a variety of presentations—stories, music, poetry, prose—all by local artists. The camaraderie can’t be beat!
If you’re ever out this way on one of these nights, be sure to stop by!
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